Saturday, October 24, 2009

Banana Boat Humour

A Jamaican man whose greatest wish was to get to the USA got that wish when his friend suggested he stow away on one of the monthly Banana Boats that sail between the ports of the island and northeastern tip of the USA. Planned and ready to go, the man and friend gathered their stuff consisting of a paint brush, can of green paint, a pack of water crackers and a large bottle of water for the voyage.

Laden with green bananas and a 7-man crew, the finally left port but not before the men painted their bodies and merged comfortably amongst the green bananas with food stash for the journey which they calculated would take about 3-4 days...

1-2-3-4 days passed and no docking. They waited and waited another few days then weeks and finally, the ship reached harbour.
Since it took about 4 weeks to complete the voyage, the bananas - which are perishable foods - became ripened. What do you think happened when unloading began?

Please share your Banana Boat jokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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